Efesto Production - Aluminium Trusses - Tralicci in alluminio - Scale in alluminio - Strutture Modulari - Stage - Ganci - Rigging - EFESTO's company meets the world at Prolight + Sound 2015


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Efesto incontra il mondo al Prolight + sound


Efesto' compani meets the world at Prolight + Sound! 

Thanks for visiting us at Prolight + Sound!


Thanks to those who with their presence have made big this first international event of EFESTO at Prolight + Sound 2015.Thanks very much for your trust in us and your interest to Efesto's new products . On the podium the players that have made important the event-meeting have been:

 Different kind of trusses;  
The Speedyside family - simple systems of closures for fast configuration wall-side of roof system or scaffolding systems;
Platform stages with  welded aluminum frame: version SpeedyBeta and SpeedyGAMMA with FastLok inbuilt system;
The  large and current range of aluminium clamps and hooks.

Products entirely designed, manufactured and packed in Italy. Quality and reliability, imagination and originality of design, durability and safety of creations and solutions are been visible in a summary , but rich in contents, exhibition booth EFESTO : exclusive window from the unmistakable taste and   flavor rigorously made in Italy.

We were able to speak with many of you during the fair  and collect the positive opinions about the products and EFESTO’s solutions .

Your opinion is very important for us, because it is the confirmation that a good product and a product well done makes headlines around the world.

For this, EFESTO warmly thanks and reconfirms more strong its engagement  of professionalism and competence, of manufacturing company able to offer concrete and reliably solutions.

ico gallery crowd
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