Efesto Production - Aluminium Trusses - Tralicci in alluminio - Scale in alluminio - Strutture Modulari - Stage - Ganci - Rigging - FreedomFast: compact support for led wall wall


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FreedomFast: compact support for led wall!
Led wall support with more possibilities of applications:self-supporting and hanging-supporting!

FreedomFast is the freedom to be fast in every installation and applications of LED wall!

FreedomFast is the compact support for LED wall, built by EFESTO, with more possibility of applications: self-supporting or hanging supporting systems of LED wall. Made of aluminum, modular, versatile is ideal for different kind of led systems.

FreedomFast is two possibilities of applications in one product:
1. FreedomFast is self-supporting positioning for ledwall structured by components easy
    assembly and more compatibility;

2. FreedomFast is hanging supporting for ledwall in combination of suitable clamps /or
    standard trusses adaptor.

For more informations on FreedomFast: Click Here

When the anchor points are few and the led has long walls the right solution is FreedomPower.

Power: powerful hanging support for Led wall
Led wall support with hanging supporting!

FreedomPower is support with different modularity for management of led wall raised. FreedomPower presents modules of different length (100cm, 200cm 300 cm, 400 cm) and is made with upper and side built-in guides .
Compact, modular, versatile, lightweight is ideal for different systems of Led display

The connection between the modules happens with a fast connex kit.
The upper anchorage devices and rear bracket of the led display have a free positioning and fixing along the FreedomPower

ast built-in guides for a better compatibility to different kind of led display: their number can be increased or reduced to need.

For more informations on FreedomPower: Click Here







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