SpeedyRoof single pitch version - Efesto Production


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SPEEDY Roof single pitch version


single pitch with inclined roof version

SPEEDY Roof single pitch with inclined roof version is a simple system roof. The structure easy and quick to mount, has been designed to offer a valid economic alternative to the traditional roofing systems. SPEEDY Roof single pitch with inclined roof version's main feature is the adaptability to each type of structure: this makes the structure extremely thanks to the use of C coupler(GC/02) also, that allows to connect SPEEDY ROOF to every type of ring. There is a scroll-sheet profile that help the insertion of protection sheet. SPEEDY Roof single pitch with inclined roof version is the ideal solution to every type of system roofing thanks to its modularity that allows to configure different type of structures. All the details have been made according to the highest security standards required for this type of structure.

Weight 40 kg
Covered area 8,20 m2
Maximun height 0,475 m
Horizontal components TS
Vertical truss All kind of tusses
Material Aluminium EN AW6082-T6
Welding TIG* (UNI-EN 287-2)
Roofing sheet 650g/mq

Quick assembly times

 Components SPEEDY ROOF

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