Scala agricola in alluminio IDA con attacchi - Aluminium ladder IDA with connection - Scale in alluminio Efesto Production


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Ida with connection

IDA with connection
The solution for important haights

The particular connection allows to arrive to important hegiht without notch the aesthetic's ladders. Infact the junction, inserting into prolong elements became an unique body. the indisputable advantage is given by: non-bulky elements on length, easy to transport for the user.

The connection elements can be used singolarly or with prolong connection: singolaly allows to used for middle-highh height with prolong connection instead reach significant heights.

- Climb inclination 65°- 75°
- Step width 55x25 mm with with no skid surface 
- Boxed upright 60x30 mm
- Aluminium tip
- Welding process Tig
Capacity load 100 Kg 
- Usage manual

Available in different heights

Code Lenght




steps C 
Steps Weight
I04A/3 100 25  19  96 49   3  2.7  0.02 
150 25  19 145  49    4  3.7  0.02 
I04A/5  200   25  19  193 49  5 4.7 0.03
I04A/6 250 25 19 241 49   6  5.7  0.04 
I04A/7  300  25 19 290 49   7  6.7 0.05
I04A/8  350  25 19 338 49   8   7.7  0.05
I04A/9  400  25  19  386 49 
 9  8.6  0.06 
I04A/10 450 25 19 435 49 10 9.6 0.07
I04A/11 500 25 19 486 49 11 10.6 0.08
I04A/12 550 25 19 531 49 12 11.6 0.08
I04A/13 600 25 19 580 49 13 12.6 0.09
I04A/14 650 25 19 629 49 14 13.6 0.10
I04A/15 700 25 19 676 49 15 14.6 0.11
I04A/16 750 25 19 724 49 16 15.6 0.11
I04A/17 800 25 19 773 49 17 16.6 0.12

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 scala alluminio ida laterale prolungo

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